About Us

One of the most crucial elements of law enforcement was absent from training – leadership.

What started as a small roll-call style training soon turned into a full day course. The capstone course, “Leadership Regardless of Rank,” is now required for every Corporal and Sergeant in the Denver Police Department.

Kevin Ford and Raymond Sheridan are two Sergeants with the Denver Police Department in Denver, Colorado. Kevin and Ray have almost 40 years combined experience in law enforcement. As current supervisors and former training officers, Kevin and Ray are heavily involved in different aspects of law enforcement training. 

How did Practical Leadership Solutions Start?

In law enforcement, there are training classes for almost every topic you can imagine. Over time, Kevin and Ray noticed something was missing. One of the most crucial elements of law enforcement was largely absent from the field – leadership! As they looked for leadership training for themselves and their officers, they discovered the only courses that were offered (only to supervisors) were heavy in theory and often poorly constructed and executed. Kevin and Ray knew that leadership was an essential, teachable and perishable skill. So, Kevin and Ray developed their own easy to follow, practical leadership training material, and Practical Leadership Solutions was born. What started as a small roll-call style training soon turned into a full day training. The capstone course, “Leadership Regardless of Rank,” is now required training for every Corporal and Sergeant in the Denver Police Department. The course is also offered several times a year for officers of all ranks within the department. 

Now, Kevin and Ray have brought their practical, down-to-earth leadership training to the masses. Kevin and Ray are using their knowledge of practical training, teaching and law enforcement skills to develop other training courses in a variety of topics. Through Practical Leadership Solutions, you, your department, organization, or company, can experience this valuable training first-hand. 

Don’t get caught simply following, lead the way with Practical Leadership Solutions: Training for law enforcement, business and life!